Window Behaviorology in Switzerland
Interview with Gion A. Caminada

Mazlaria, Vrin, 1995–1998 : ©︎ Lucia Degonda

Vrin Multipurpose Hall, Vrin, 1992–1995 : ©︎ Lucia Degonda

Stiva da Morts, Vrin, 1995–2002 : ©︎ Lucia Degonda

Casa Caminada, Fürstenau, 2018 : © Hans Danuser

Vrin is a village of fewer than 250 people nestled in a lush valley in the canton of Graubünden in eastern Switzerland. It is also the home of architect Gion A. Caminada, who has designed many buildings for the village, from the village hall to the slaughterhouse to the mortuary. The unique landscape of this region has been shaped with architecture using the traditional wooden block construction called Strickbau. Caminada has continued to develop this architectural culture in his designs in an attempt to connect them to the present. In the interview we discussed with him about the role that architecture and windows should play in the Swiss village in transition.

Read the full interview on the Window Research Institute website.