Architectural Behaviorology

Oct. 02, 2017

Architectural Behaviorology being a design theory and methodology that we have adopted with the objective of rediscovering the forgotten values of resources through the lens of ethnography. In essence it tries to find existing barriers and deficits and then challenge them in order to create better accessibilities to local resources. The aim is to activate the behaviors of actors, both human and resource, to create commons and rejuvenate community livelihoods.



Momoyo Kaijima

Momoyo Kaijima (b. 1969 , Tokyo JP) graduated from the Faculty of Domestic Science at Japan Women’s University in 1991. She founded Atelier Bow-Wow with Yoshiharu Tsukamoto in 1992. In 1994 she received her master degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. During 1996-1997 she was a guest student with scholarship from Switzerland at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ). In 2000 she completed her post-graduate program at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. She served as an assistant professor at the Art and Design School of the University of Tsukuba since 2000, and as an associate professor since 2009. In 2012 she received the RIBA International Fellowship. Since 2017 she has been serving as a Professor of Architectural Behaviorology at ETHZ. She taught at Harvard GSD (2003, 2016), guest professor at ETHZ (2005-07), as well as at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (2011-12), Rice University (2014-15), Delft University of Technology (2015-16), and Columbia University (2017). While engaging in design projects for houses, public buildings and station plazas, she has conducted numerous investigations of the city through architecture such as Made in Tokyo and Pet Architecture.  She was the curator of Japan Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.

Atelier Bow-Wow:


Sandrine Badoux

Sandrine Badoux (b. 1995, Lausanne CH) is an architect. She completed her Bachelor in EPF Lausanne and her Master in ETH Zürich, graduating in 2019 with Professor Momoyo Kaijima. Between her Bachelor and Master she interned for Pont 12, in Lausanne. During her studies she was interested in a variety of scales, techniques and materials. She took part in workshops, where she did more practical work. She works as an assistant at ETH Zürich, Chair of Architectural Behaviourology since June 2020.


Rémy Carron

Carron Rémy (b. 1995, Fully CH) is a practicing architect collaborating on various projects in Switzerland. After several working experiences in Swiss offices as well as in NGO’s in South America, he graduated from ETHZ with a master degree from the chair of Adam Caruso in 2021. Rémy joined the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology as a research assistant since 2022.


Tanguy Caversaccio

Tanguy Caversaccio (b. 1995, Lausanne CH) is an architect. He completed his Bachelor in EPF Lausanne and his Master at ETH Zürich, graduating in 2021 with Professor Momoyo Kaijima, receiving 2nd place for the Heinrich Hatt-Bucher price. Between his Bachelor and Master he interned for COBE, in Copenhague and MAK in Zürich. Tanguy works as a freelance for the architectural census of the canton of Vaud and on various projects including architecture, furniture, and research. He works as an assistant at ETH Zürich, Chair of Architectural Behaviourology since August 2021.


Samuel Dayer

Samuel Dayer (b. 1995, Sion CH) is a practicing architect based in Zurich. He completed his architectural studies at ETH Zurich, graduating in 2021. Between his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree he gained practical experience through internships in Zurich and Berlin. During his academic journey he worked at the Chair for Construction and Building Technology (BUK) contributing to the publication of the book ‘Konstruktion/Manual’. Currently, he is employed at Stefan Roggo und Christoph Widmer Architekten where he has been involved in timber construction projects across different scales, as well as renovations of heritage-listed buildings. Samuel joined the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology in 2023 as a teaching assistant.


Grégoire Farquet

Grégoire Farquet (b. 1983, Le Châble CH), is an architect and researcher. He studied at EPF Lausanne and ETH Zürich, where he graduated from Prof. Peter Märkli’s 2014 diploma class. He runs his office Farquet Architectes together with his wife and works in collaboration with further colleagues. Grégoire has been researching for the Future Learning Initiative -Physical Spaces- project at the Chair for Architectural Behaviorology, initiating and teaching the Innovedum project  “Informal learning as a design practice”, and is now Ph.D. Student of the Joint Doctoral Program in Learning Sciences, JDPLS.


Sofia Ferrari


Erik Fichter

Erik Fichter (b. 1997, Munich, DE) is an architect. He completed his Bachelor’s degree at ETH Zürich and his Master’s at Harvard GSD in 2022, with a thesis titled “edit architecture.” He has undertaken internships in Beijing, Berlin, and Basel, and has previously worked as an architect at Boltshauser Architects in Zürich. In 2024 he joined P. Sulser Architektur GmbH as a co-principal. There he continues his passion for exploring sustainability through social, spatial, energy, and material decisions. He works as an assistant at ETH Zürich, Chair of Architectural Behaviorology since May 2024.


Lowis Gujer


Tazuru Harada

Tazuru Harada (b. 1990, Ibaraki JP) pursued her studies in architecture at the University of Tsukuba (B.Arch.) with Prof. Momoyo Kaijima and qualified in her master’s degree at Graduate School of University of Tsukuba (M.Arch.) as a Student with Excellent Grades by JASSO. She was awarded as a finalist in Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA) for her diploma project. Between 2016 and 2017, she undertook a scholarship from MEXT Japan, allowing her to advance studies in interaction design and innovation at the École nationale supérieure d’arts et métiers in Paris (M.Sc.). From 2019 to 2020, she worked in Paris for various international projects, focusing on architecture and landscape. She joined the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology in 2020 and is working as Teaching and Research assistant.


Kelly Man

Kelly Man (b. 1993, Luxembourg LU) studied Architecture at the EPFL in Lausanne, in Austria at the TU Graz and at ETH Zürich, at which she graduated in 2019 under Professor Momoyo Kaijima. During her studies and after graduation, Kelly has worked in several architecture offices in Zurich. Since August 2021, Kelly has been teaching at ETH Zurich at the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology, where she can deepen her interest in the interaction between space and people, as well as their awareness of sustainability and the way people build in everyday life.


Basil Witt

Basil Witt (b. 1988, Zug CH) studied architecture at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and ETH Zürich, from which he graduated in 2015. From 2016 to 2018, he worked for Graser Troxler Architects in Zurich, where he was responsible for the refurbishment of the Tour de la Champagne in Biel. He is a founding member of Countdown 2030, an association advocating for a more sustainable building culture. In 2019 he founded his own architectural practice. He joined the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology in September 2021, where he works as a teaching assistant.


Student Assistants: 

Vincenz Leuppi, Timo Bauer, Inès Rausis, Sho Sasaki, Chloé Tournelle, Xuanchang Zhang, Roxani Heltriegel, Jan Aebi, Miriam Gabour, Dimitri Bleichenbacher, Matthias Bisig


Former Assistants:

Hans Rufer, Tamotsu Ito, Diana Zenklusen, Oliver Brunhart, Alexander Bradley, Simona Ferrari, Annamaria Bonzanigo, Elias Knecht, Joel Zimmerli, Lena Stamm, Rafael Schäfer, Christoph Danuser

Former Student Assistants: 

Shohei Kunisawa, Sandrine Badoux, Arnaud Bostelmann, Itaru Matsumoto, Alessio De Gottardi, Tobias Wick, Yuma Aki, Clara Copiglia, Tanguy Caversaccio, Oliver Brunhart, Lena Stamm, Rodrigo Mendoza, Rémy Carron, Philipp Gmür, Haruhi Untersander, Matthias Burkhalter, Aude Sahli, Alessio Liambo, Christian Seiterle, Joël Mariéthod, Myriam Marti, Lara Aschwanden, Nicholas Schenk, Juliet Ishak, Ryutaro Matsushita, Anju Kato, Yusuke Matsuzaki, Joël Cédric Fischer, Zoe Struzina