Case Study – Villa J.Kjell – Daniel Grataloup, 1972

  • Anières, Genève
  • The mezzanin, a spatial element of african origin, is highly important for Daniel Grataloup’s design practice and serves as the reference for the influences on his architectural work. His work was a result of his interest in various cultural practises with african art and architecture being the most important influence.
  • Grataloup is also influenced by the cultural exchange between the african continent and european countries led by architects such as Aldo Van Eyck or Jacques Couëlle. In the villa J. Kjell the influence of african architecture is expressed through the round form, the rather sparse use of light and the mezzanin.
  • The mezzanin, implemented by Grataloup into his villas for rich people, looses it’s traditional function of extending limited floor area. This adaption of a traditional element and blindly implementing it into another cultural context must be placed into a contextual discussion of colonialism and appropriation of cultural entities.

People: Gather, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Talk

typology: House, Landscape

Climate: Light, Water, Others

Location: Suburb, Urban

Material: Concrete, Metal

Contributor: Florian Frommherz
24 July 2023