Apartment House Merry

  • Aïre, Geneva
  • The apartment house located in a residential neighborhood in Geneva is designed for young professional couples. It aims to connect the "bourgeoisie" attributes of a villa with a simpler lifestyle. There are 10 apartments. The floors are connected by an open staircase through which light enters the bathrooms and corridors.
  • For my actor network drawing I studied 1910 Villa Merry’s floorplan thoroughly, where the importance of the corridor stood out. I wanted to give my corridor, running from north to south, an importance as well. In this case, it acts as the mirroring axis.
  • Moreover, the corridor is expanded by two loggias with benches, so you can comfortably chat with you neighbors. The apartments have loggias too as a private space to retreat. The house is made of a solid wood construction with plaster outside.

Location: Suburb, Urban, Hill

Material: Wood, Plaster

Contributor: Maria Uehli
25 July 2023