Haut et Bas

  • Aïre, Geneva
  • The housing complex Haut et Bas takes up characteristics of my case study house the Villa Darier, such as the subdivision of individual elements, the gallery as a circulation area, the consideration of the weather and the interplay between outside/inside, public/private.
  • A public accessible gallery connects the individual houses of the complex with one another, and distinguished itself from the beneath quiet nature in its materiality and character. The houses' mezzanines allow to keep the existing terrain and excavate only what is necessary. The height of the floors increases with the slope.
  • The walls of the units facing each other, protected from the weather, consist of rammed earth excavated from the site. The other facades are made out of wood. The spaces between the adobe walls are covered with awnings. Visual exchange of the residents is created across theses spaces through big windows.

Location: Suburb, Urban, Hill

Material: Earth, Wood

Contributor: Saira Mudakaryil
25 July 2023