Housing Ensemble

  • Aïre, Geneva
  • How do we share? Where is the line between shared and private space? The housing ensemble offers multiple types and usage of space, from private to shared, on each floor. At the same time the ground floor serves as the gathering and meeting space for all inhabitants.
  • Two staircases connect this space with the six apartments, of which three are placed above and the other three below it. Due to the hillside, each apartment has different conditions and character. The windows are placed on the long facades and bring light in each room, as well as a view on the Rhone.
  • As does the case study house, the staircase is used to separate more private and more public or shared spaces on each floor from one another.

Location: Suburb, Urban, Hill

Material: Earth, Glass, Wood

Contributor: Hannah Blaydes
25 July 2023