Furniture – KlappBar

  • ETH ONA, Oerlikon
  • Our Project takes the form of a mobile and foldable bar on wheels. The bar consists of two wings each with its own foldable tables.
  • Amongst the amenities of the KlappBar are the integrated cooling box, a retractable sun-roof, and many seating opportunities. The bar is equipped with its very own foldable bar stools that are ready to use.
  • The installation will be placed at the ONA Building, where it can activate its surroundings during events like Apéros, together with other installations due to its dimensions and adaptability, or just to relax after a long day.

People: Cook, Eat, Gather, Sit, Stand, Talk, Make, Work

typology: Furniture

Climate: Others, Water

Location: Town, Urban

Material: Wood, Textile

Contributors: Alina Ampilogova , Alessandro Cangemi, Monique Cruz Lopez, Constantin Dirler, Leonardo Gregorio, Lucy Ritschl, Fidania Schürmann, Nicolas Stähli
18 July 2023