Case Study – House R. Hauser-Studer – Albert Heinrich Steiner, 1938

  • Zürich
  • The house shows an open facade with an upper sleeping and a lower living part. The facade opens up to the garden with sliding doors.
  • The terrace and the patio connect the house with the garden. The playful garden stands as a counterpart to the functional house and its rigid form.
  • The walls of the house are made out of concrete and the built elements of the garden out of natural stone.

People: Cook, Eat, Gather, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Stand, Study, Talk, Play

typology: Office, Terrace, Garden, House

Climate: Heat, Wind

Location: Flat land, Town, Urban

Material: Stone, Plaster, Concrete

Contributor: Eva Tschopp
18 July 2023