Case Study – House de Mandrot-Roth – Alfred Roth, 1944

  • Zürich
  • This home was built to become a quiet home for an elderly woman in the wintertime.
  • Upon her request, it was built on a segment of the parcel that was free from earth radiation. To do so, Roth worked with a floorplan with angles of 60 and 120 degrees.
  • The building is located at Hadlaubstrasse at Zurichberg and is accessible via the Seilbahn Rigiblick. The house is hidden away from its neighbours with hedges and trees.

People: Eat, Gather, Listen, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Study

typology: House

Climate: Heat

Location: Town, Urban, Suburb

Material: Wood

Contributor: Iris Keller
06 June 2023