Busstop – Taking Care of Tourism Bus

  • Interlaken, Bern, Switzerland
  • The construction of a maintenance Hall for Busses and Bus drivers in the backend of the transportation hub Interlaken Ost.
  • From a workshop to sanitary infrastructures, which share the water connection with the outside hoses of the bus washing area, to a communal part with a kitchen and lounge and the sleeping berths above. The juxtaposition of the programs illustrates the ritual processes of taking care of the buses to taking care of the humans, the bus drivers.
  • The workshop is cold and rests directly on the slab foundation. The supporting structure consists of timber columns and beams, which supports a shed roof. The walls and ceilings consist of prefabricated wooden construction elements, which can be assembled quickly.

Location: Town, Valley, Waterfront

Material: Wood, Others, Concrete

Contributor: Charline Blatter
12 July 2021