Sun(bathing)Window , 1941

  • Hallenbad City, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Big, industrial-style windows, combinend with benches surrounding the pool.
  • The windows let in a large amount of sunlight, bathing the swimming hall in light. So much so, that it gets too hot in summer. The adjoined benches are well-used, they offer the perfect place for a short rest after an exhausting swim, to simply watch the goings-on, or just to put down your bag and towel while you take a swim.
  • The frames of the windows are designed in a subdued way, they are purely functional.

People: Bath, Exercise, Read, Rest, See, Sleep, Talk, Watch

typology: Others

Climate: Light, Water, Heat

Location: Town, Urban

Material: Concrete, Glass, Metal

Era: 1940s

Contributor: Luca Can
31 October 2017