Case Study – Casa Beckel Kübler – 2005
- Fürstenaubruck, Graubünden
- The Casa Beckel-Kübler in Fürstenaubruck marks a key moment in Caminada's career, where he shifts from traditional timber construction to exploring wood’s expanded potential. By incorporating a concrete slab, he pushes solid wood to new structural limits.
- The house’s central feature is a sculpted wooden spine that serves as the main support, with interlocking wall sections arranged at right angles. This innovative design allows for open, flexible spaces that can be partitioned with sliding doors.
The outer wall wraps around the wooden core, creating a cohesive, sustainable structure. This project represents Caminada's architectural evolution, inspiring future designs that challenge conventional boundaries and embrace innovation.
People: Cook, Eat, Gather, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Talk, Work
typology: House, Landscape, Garden
Climate: Heat, Light
Contributor: Gianna Maissen