Case Study – Türalhus – 1485

  • Valendas, Graubünden
  • Türalihus, located in Valendas, stands out with its southern façade, flanked by a tower, reflecting the region's prosperous past. The house, built in the style of wealthy families, showcases baroque ornaments in the Salons and highlights the influence of European ruling classes.
  • The layout of Türalihus divides the rich and their servants, with the Southern part open to the main street for the wealthy, while the Northern part is more secluded.
  • Though it remains a local construction, made of stone walls and wooden floors, Türalihus continues to showcase the region's history and wealth, now serving as a tourist destination offering a step back in time.

People: Cook, Eat, Gather, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Talk

typology: House, Landscape

Climate: Heat

Location: Mountain, Town, Village

Material: Wood, Stone, Brick, Plaster

Contributor: Julia Morel
03 December 2024