
  • Viganello, Lugano
  • Inspired by the Casa Bianchi by Mario Botta, this apartment house detaches itself from the terrain through its tower shape. The aim was to develop a multigenerational house with private retreats and various shared spaces, following a clear order but still adaptable to the needs of the inhabitants.
  • To achieve this order, two different grids are imposed, one defining the structural and the other the spatial division of the floors. Shared spaces are found not only on the ground floor but also on every other story, where the terraces are shared by adjoining apartments and have a visual relationship with the other terraces on different floors.
  • The completely doorless open floor plan of the Case Study isn’t suitable for a multi-family house; however, it helped as a reference to create the idea of rotating doors, enabling the user to decide how to live in the apartments.

People: Eat, Gather, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Talk

typology: Apartment, House

Climate: Others

Location: Hill, Suburb

Material: Metal, Brick, Plaster

Contributor: David Kunz
17 October 2024