Public Drawing – Illegal Fireplace North

  • Waldlabor
  • The illegal fireplace is located on an elevated site, which overlooks a crossing.
  • Originally established by a kindergarden teacher, the fireplace is now being frequented by different kinds of people.
  • A multitude of actors contribute to the preservation of the fireplace; the acidic soil covered with pine needles makes the fireplace accessible, while the translucent terrain to the south-west of the fireplace lets in the afternoon sun.

People: Dance, Eat, Exercise, Gather, Listen, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Stand, Study, Talk, Walk, Watch, Play

typology: School

Climate: Others

Location: Forest

Material: Stone, Earth, Steel

Contributors: Stella Mulugeta , Gugger Lydia, Ak Paola
29 August 2023