Public Drawing – Illegal Fireplace North

  • Waldlabor
  • The forest north-west of the ETH Hönggerberg Campus, where the "Illegal Fireplace North" is located, is a theatre where various actors come together and contribute to form the actual image of the forest.
  • The latter is a natural habitat for a variety of animals and plants. Furthermore, the presence of water, a hut and other open recreational spaces makes the place popular among different user-groups, such as families, elderly people and children. The range of leisure activities in the area vary from walking and running to horse riding and barbecuing
  • The "Illegal Fireplace North", still in use today, was built six years ago by a kindergarten class on a slightly raised terrain, which is charactensed by spruce and silver fir trees implanted during the '80s for wood production purposes.

People: Dance, Eat, Exercise, Gather, Listen, Read, Rest, See, Sit, Sleep, Stand, Study, Talk, Walk, Watch, Play

typology: School

Climate: Others

Location: Forest

Material: Steel, Stone, Earth

Contributors: Xiaohan Chen , Banfi Gaia, Ben M'Barek
29 August 2023